Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Girl who was supposed to die #3

From the beginning to the end this book has been great. The whole book consisted of mystery, suspense and adventure. I really liked reading this book because it was something that i've never read before and it made me really feel what the character was feeling. When I started to read this book I felt like I wouldn't like it because I've never really liked reading this type of book. But, right away I felt like I was spectating every move of Katie's life. From the beginning to the end you will be at the edge of your seats I promise you that. I recommend this book to people who are wondering what book to read or are bored with their usual book type.

They are two things that this book really exceeds in. First the characters. They seem so real and down to earth. Their not like vampires or fairies who can stop time. No, these characters are like any other day people. Ty goes to school and has a part time job. Second it has enough action and description that will keep at the edge of your seat through out the whole book. When I read it I was scared and felt bad for characters. Thanks for reading this blog.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

The girl who was supposed to die #2

 After she gets in the car she starts to drive away. It takes her a long time to drive but she finally reaches a sheriffs office and she walks in. She asks if he could help her that their is two men who are trying to kill her. But, the thing is that the sheriff is nothing really but like a patrolling guy he doesn't deal with big things like this. So he said that the had to go to the actual police. She gave the sheriff the guys wallet and phone and out of nowhere they receive a call. The Sheriff goes to a room to deal with this. When he comes back he said that they'll need  to go out as normal as possible. When they go outside the girl opens the door to the car and is made to lay down so no one see's her. while she is laying down he tells her that the call was from sagebrush mental Hospital and that she wasn't kidnapped she had escaped. The only reason she thought the guys were trying to kill her was because without medication she starts to imagine things that seem very real. If i tell you the rest of the book it will pretty much bore you when you read the actual book. But she does find out her name is actually Kate.
There have been many conflicts throughout his book and i will be telling you some. Their was the one of her in the cabin and being hurt and was trying to escape. Their was the one of her and the guy who was trying to her but she got away from him and beat him up. And final the last one ill be telling you is the one she had with the sheriff officer Dillow.I cant find out what happens in the ending.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The girl who was supposed to die

I know i haven't finished Hollow city but i think i should read a shorter book this time and read hollow city for later. This book starts off as the girl laying on the floor not knowing what she is doing their. Not knowing what to do, her name, and overall her life. She looks next to her and sees a table on it has finger nails with pliers. She touches the floor and she knows something is wrong with her hand she feels sharp pains on the tips of her hand. She realizes that these are her nails. The girl also notices that their is two men who are talking about her saying things like what are we going to do with her? One of the guys tells the other to take her to the woods and to finish her off. He leaves and the other guys is left with her. he picks her up and starts walking with her into the woods. She doesn't know what to do but all of a sudden she has him on the floor bleeding and knocked out. She runs to his car opens the door and drives away.

I am liking this book so far because it makes you wonder all about her life and how she got their. Imagine how scary it is to wake up not know your name who you are if you have a family, and people are trying to kill you. But the thing that I wonder is what is she? She fought the guy like a ninja and even if you had good instincts you wouldn't be able to do things like that.I cant wait to read the rest of this book and find everything out.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hollow city Part 2

When the Peculiars reach the island they notice that they mostly lost all the things that they had. So now they have nothing but a book and a map. They then also spot their is big air balloons close to the floor and they dont know whywould it be so close to the floor. It then comes to their head that it is searching for them. They run into a cave so they wont get caught by the wights and stay in the cave. Remember how I said that they still had a book. Well that book has stories about peculiars and their adventures and every night browyn reads a story for the little girls. That night she doesn't read them a story but she tells the girls their story about their adventure.

Jacob has changed so much from the beginning of miss peregring to Hollow city. He has becomen more responsible, stronger, and more of a leader.  I know this because in the beginning of miss peregrine he was like any other teen. But through the book he shows how. Responsible he is and becomes. Also, Jacob has to show that he can stay strong and be a leader to the peculiars in this book and he is doing exactly tha. He doesn't complain he just does things and that shows how a true leader should act.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Have Any of you guys ever read Miss Peregrines home for Peculiar children? Well if you haven't then don't read this blog and start reading it right now. This books starts off as the crew of peculiar children and Jacob rowing through the ocean. You have to think on how tiring and sore you are after that rowing. But also that is good for your arms so in someway its beneficial. Ok so when they are rowing they reach this land were they are going to stay until they find anything they need. I am liking this book because from the first book they really only do one adventure and in this book it seems like they are going to have many adventures and travel many places. And it's practically all I read because most of the pages I read they are still in the boat.

The plot so far right now is that the peculiar children have to find away to get miss peregrine back to a human form because right now she is stuck as a bird. I feel like this would be horrible. No one understands you and you feel like you can't do anything because you are stuck as a bird. This is all I can say because I haven't read enough to clearly state the plot but I shall keep you guys posted. Thank you.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Beyond the wall ....

Ok hello I'm back and we will starting right were I left off. After they took pictures of her brain they took to her cell and made her wait for while. Then Tris was taken into a room were she thought she was being executed but she was really being injected with serums that would help jeanine find out things about her brain that would help her make a stimulation that controlled even the Divergents. But what Tris didn't know was why did Tobias come to save her when he knew that he would be captured and been interrogated and tortured and whatever the Erudite wanted to do with him. So when Tris was passing by Tobias was also passing by and he was going to take his chance so he started to fight the guards and he was trying to tell something to Tris and he said that he didn't come to save her that he came to do something and that one something way to destroy the main control rooms so when they invade she cant turn on the Dauntless transmitters.  And the other reason was because he needed to tell tris to hold on because the True Dauntless, The Factionless and the Abnegation were going to strike against the Erudite. Ok so then the next day Tris woke up with Caleb which she then felt very angry because he kind of betrayed her. Later that day peter came in and told her that her execution would be the next day in the morning and she felt hopeless. The assault would be in two weeks and no one knows about this. She then asked would happen to the stimulation study? Jeanine still hadn't made a stimulation that controlled all of the Divergents. So he told her that Jeanine said that she would keep the experiment with Tobias. The next day she wakes up gets ready and doesn't care anymore. Peter comes in and takes her with him and they start to walk toward her execution room. They then hear screams and it turns out to be tobias screaming and saying that he wants to see tris. Peter tells her their will be a window were she would see him through and finally keep him quite. She passed by the window and that was it he was quite. They enter the room and she stands on a panel and peter put puts a heart monitor on her and Jeanine then injects her with a death serum which would kill her. But, peter switched it with something that would paralyze her.The rest is all things that will spoil the book for you so i will leave these things out.

This book was amazing. All the action the problems that tris had to go through and the fights she had were great. I feel like this is one of those books that gets everything started it might be boring at first but the only reason it is, is because it has to connect everything together from the last book. Tris had gone through so many obstacles in this book that I think I probably would have gavin up. Tobias is one great person. He stood by Tris when all of this came crashing down on them and it shows how far he would go to protect and stay with tris. True Love. And Jeanine i hate that girl. She has to be one of the meanest most selfish, most non-humane person in this book. The things she did to Tris and Tobias were Horrible.But now its time to read Allegiant.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

American Indians

American Indians have been marginalized over the years by being forced to move to certain land and have been kicked out of land that they have owned over the years. The Americans had no right to remove the Native Americans from their land since it wasn't us who owned it it was the Native"s Americans land. But we still forced them off and attacked them till they got off.In the Article Would We Be Killed? it talks about how the Indians were made to give their children to the Soldiers so they could " teach" them but what were they really doing was stripping them of their indian ways. The Native Americans were not being treated the same as The Americans by not having the liberty to have a say in what happened to them and their children. I know this because in the article it said that if they dint give their child up that they would be arrested so they really dint have a choice.

I feel like Shanice Britton wrote this  essay so people could see how non different they are. Through out the essay she talks about how she does normal things like we do. She wears Jeans a shirt, goes to the store, goes to school. But she also talks about things that her tribes do that are different then our everyday life. This shows that she is the same as we are, we have traditions that we follow and so does she. She embraces her culture and doesn't hide her true self from others she talks about and answers question =s about her tribe and this is very inspiring to others because it shows that you shouldn't hide yourself to make people like you be yourself.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Insurgent #3

Hello again today I am going to tell you a lot so sit still, get comfortable, and lets get started. SO after they executed Eric they decided that it was time fro the Dauntless to go claim what was theirs. But before they did this they had to make a plan and vote on some leaders. They chose Tris, Tobias. Edward from divergent and i'm not sure who else.Tris gave up her spot for Tobias and they went home. I felt happy for them because the Dauntless shouldn't be afraid. Once they got home they started to shoot the cams with paint ball guns and the cameras started breaking and dauntless will be dauntless, they began a paint ball fight. Life for them felt fine for a while. But, the morning came and Christina woke up tris and told her that marlene and a few others were on the roof going to jump. just like the stimulation they had no control in what happened to them. When they ran to go do something the victims of the stimulation said that they were warned a divergent should surrender themselves and this would stop. All of a sudden they jump. Tris runs to catch one  of them and grabs Hector which is Lynne's brother. I totally felt bad at this point since marlene was always so cheerful and helped Tris. Tris wasn't going to let anybody get killed so she handed herself to the Erudite in which once she got their Dauntless traitors arrested her and took her up to a room full of them in which she was then surrounded by them and cameras and she started to freakout. That morning Tris was greeted by the horrible Jeanie. She said that she wanted tris to be taken to a room so they could take pictures of her brain. And that is where I Have left off.

So far the plot of this book is on finding out about why the Erudite want the divergents and what they plan to do. The whole is being taken place in the conflict. People are dying for being Divergent and the Erudite are making stimulations to control everyone. This is completely gone off as a complete war against the Factions and this is going to be a great book. I feel like this plot is going to make this book series one of the best i've read and I hope that this is true. Until next time thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Tolerance:having the ability to go a long with and not necessarily agree with the ideas of others.

What tolerance means to me? tolerance to me means that you have to ability to think of others and their beliefs. You won't judge and discriminate against them even if their beliefs are different and if they like someone it should be their decision and their choice to be what they want.

Back when I was in Unity their was many LGBT students who i've known and barely came out. People would ask how can  you be friends with them are you one of them? I would say the same thing over and over again. No. It shouldn't matter on who they like or what they like. It depends on the personality of the person.  I hated on people who hated on the Idea of being different. Different is good and people should be opened minded with this Idea.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


I have gone through so much in insurgent. After they finished talking with the factionless they started to head to the next faction which was Candor which was totally against the whole Erudite thing. When they got their their was two guards and they were stopped and taken inside and where hold. They where then taken to the interrogation room and then put under the truth serum. They were then interrogated. Tobias and Tris were asked about the whole stimulation attack and were then asked personal questions. Tobias was forced to tell everybody about him and his dad and how he was afraid. And tris told them that she killed will and Christina found out what really happened. The thing is that she needed to find out one way or the other. They were then attacked by the dauntless traitors and Eric was their leading this attack. They were then injected with another stimulation serum and divergents were separated then the others. Eric was then told he had to kill all of them except 3. But they weren't going to let this happen so tobias and a group started to attack them and they captured Eric. The Dauntless were outraged and they wanted Eric dead so they got what they wanted and the Eric was killed.

I feel like the genre of this book is adventure sci-fi and fiction. I feel like this because the whole book is like in the future and Tris and Tobias are in a adventure to find the truth.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Done with Jesse

I finally finished Jesse Owens Bio and i have to say i actually enjoyed it. He had a really harsh life and he grew up to be something amazing. He had broken records and shown the people how to be confident. I have learned so much from him in ways that he lived his life with out fear and confidence. People back then were really horrible to black people but he still believed in his dream when nobody did. In his life he jumped over struggles like hurdles like they were nothing and thats what inspires people.
Jesse Owens has to be one of the most bravest people that lived in many ways. First Jesse Owens was black and he lived in the 1930's which was when black people were still being segregated. Yet he followed his dreams of becoming an olympic athlete. I know this because in the entire book it says this over and over again.  Secondly, many black people were afraid of being killed by the Ku Klux Klan. But, Jesse Owens didn't live his life with fear he lived it with compassion.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

continueing insurgent

So far in the book a lot has happened but i'm going to tell you from the point i left off. So they were walking for a very long time and then all of a sudden tris feels the tracks vibrating. she stops and feels them with her hand and then feels it again she then turns and sees the train cart behind them. So they started to run so they would be able to ride on it. Once they got in it they saw something weird. It was full of factionless. So when they realized that their was company they didn't know what to do. They told they had to leave  or they would be shot.  Then Tobias told them his name and they said they were able to stay. After this they went to place and called a lady named Theresa which then we found out it was his mother. Then they were talking about his past but i wont tell spoilers.

Tobias is a very tough person. I know this because in the book he is never scared and he protects tris all the time. He never cries and he keeps his self from having any sad feelings. I feel like he does  this so people don't think as him as someone weak.

Jesse Owens

So i have been reading a biography on Jesse Owens and it is very interesting. It has talked about how his parents being sharecroppers and how they had to share a farm with whites because they were poor people. When he was born he wasn't healthy he had sicknesses and people weren't sure if he was going to survive. He had boils which his parents didn't have money to pay to remove or to get rid of them. His mom had to do them herself. She would have to get knife and cut them off. In the book it states that he didn't know if he should cry because he had gone through this so many times and it didn't help to cry.
 I think Jesse was a very strong person because he didn't let anything stop him from pursuing his dreams. I know this because in the Olympics which was in Berlin people were criticizing him for being black and saying that he wasn't going to win and that he was going to cheat. Hitler didn't give him a hand shake which offended him but he kept running. This is a very admirable act because if it was me i would have given up. People thought he was nothing compared to the white runners but he beat them all. This shows that he pursued his dreams.

Friday, February 13, 2015

It is time for Insurgent

I started to read insurgent and it has been good. The beginning started right where it finished which was great because I hate when books start randomly in a different place. So they stopped in the faction of Amity which is great since they are really peaceful. Once they stopped their Marcus had told them where to go since he has been their before. Which I wondered why but, that isn't important. Johanna, Amity's spoke person, had told them that they could stay their if they agreed to have no weapons in which they had a agreed partially. When tris was going to take out her last gun tobias grabbed her arm and put it back where it was. She then put the weapon under the bed she would be sleeping on. The next day they were deciding if they should  let them stay and Amity had let them stay. But Tobias had decided that they should leave in a few days. Tris than said that she didn't like the bread because she felt that it wasn't right which was true because it had a peace serum which is used to make the people calm. It was used on her because when she was going into her "room" Peter was sitting their on her bed she told to leave but he demanded to know why she had the hard drive. She than checked where she left it and it wasn't their peter had grabbed it. She than told him to give it to her put he told her that he wasn't going to give it to her. They got into a fight and tobias and a few Amity came in their to break the fight. they took her to a room and injected her with this weird serum which made her laugh and happy. After the serum was out of her they asked Johanna what it was and she said it was a serum to make people peaceful. She than told them that if they didn't want to be touched by their serum to not eat the bread. The next day Erudite had gone into to Amity and asked if they were able to look for the people which where Tobias, Tris, Caleb, Peter, and some of the Abnegation. They than ran for their lives and people where hurt and some died and they escaped  and that is all that has happened.
So far the conflict in this book has been between Erudite and the abnegation. In the book divergent it talks about how Erudite was trying to kill all of Abnegation. This is showing that their has been conflict between them. In Insurgent it is the same Erudite was trying to get tris and tobias because they helped abnegation get away. I hope that Erudite stops and that they catch Jeanie.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I finished Divergent

I finished Divergent and once I have a chance to read Insurgent I will. I totally loved this book i thought I wouldn't like it because it would be a copy of all those other books but it clearly isn't. Tris has overcome so many things that came in her way and she jumps over them like their nothing. I ended up being right about the whole abnegation divergent Dauntless thing. I hoped that nothing what end up like this but it was a good ending. I feel bad because her ___ and ___ ended up dying and She has ended up with no _______. I really liked the ending because it didn't start another topic or anything it just finished. I feel like finishing this series  is going to be sad for me I never like finishing a series I want them to keep going because i just love those books.I just want to start this next book it seems good and I love reading.

I feel like the theme of this book is sort of like pursue want you go for. In the beginning of the book tris was thinking that she wouldn't survive  initiation or even make to dauntless but she worked hard and was very tough. I know this because in the book it states that she would tell herself that she had to make it and that she would show every body else that she was going to make it that she wasn't as weak as they thought she was. I this can be a very inspiring kind of them because it shows that no matter what background  you can be come a very talented person or become very skilled in what you do.

- Chris

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Are they something?

I have been reading this book for about three weeks and I have been saying oh its getting good, Oh My god  this is so good, but now I just can't put it down. Al had killed himself by pushing himself off the ledge and he died. Then Tris had felt like she was responsible but didn't cry or anything. I feel like Dauntless has made her a mean person. She doesn't care for others and she is over gotten meaner. In the book it talks about how she should have said sorry but she said that she never wanted to see Al again because she hated him. Next Tris and Four have been flirting and been very close to kissing and they aren't doing anything. But now they have finally made it official. Tris called him her boyfriend and he agreed to it and they keep making out and they have been like this for like three days.

The subject of Divergents an Abnegation and Erudite is still coming up and it been like this again and again. I wonder if this is going to turn out to become a huge problem i hope it doesn't. Four found out that The Dauntless have been planning some kind of war and I think it is leading to this. Well I have to read to find out so bye.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Almost done through Intiation

Okay I am loving this book so much. I thought it would be like a copy of the hunger games but it actually isn't. When Christina was thrown off the ledge i thought she wouldn't make it. But she held on and didn't let go. This shows that she is very confident and that she can go through obstacles. Okay i've read so much that i can of forgotten what happened after that. Ok so when she had to fight peter I thought that she would win and that she would be able to fight him but it turns out that she wasn't so good. Peter had totally beaten her and she would have to done something to stay on the top ten list. Any way Tris was all alone in the room were they all slept and she went to go take a shower or change something like that and she see's that Peter, Molly, and Drew are their. she bends down to get a dress that Christina tells her to get and when she stands up she sees that Peter is right behind her. When she gets up peter covers her way from leaving. She tries to get away but he pulls her towel off her and they start to make fun of her. After her revenge on them they didn't mess with her like that anymore. And then one day they decide to try to get rid of her. they sort of made this plan and they made Al help them. They tried to push her off the ledge but, four came to help. A day later or so Al comes to tell her sorry but she doesn't care.

During the book she has changed so much. She started off as caring and weak person. In the beginning of the book she doesn't talk to others and doesn't speak her mind. But once she enters the Dauntless she becomes a strong and doesn't care what others think about her. In the book she says that inside of her their was once the girl that was weak but now Dauntless made her strong. I am really enjoying this book and I can't wait to read the others.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Are you Divergent?

I am starting to read the Book Divergent and the trilogy. Ever since the book became famous I told myself i would never read the book it is going to be a wannabe Hunger Games but look I'm reading it. The book starts off as Tris (Beatrice) getting a haircut and her talking about the factions and why she isn't able to look in the mirror. I get it you look in the mirror to see your self and the is being non-selfless but really you do this to see if their is something in your face or if their is something wrong with you. Anyway; she starts to talk about school and how if they transfer factions the faction is responsible for their education. All the factions go to the schools, which in the movie they don't say anything about their education. I think I would be terrified about choosing what faction to go into. Yeah i know the test narrows it down, but leaving you faction for another yeesh. I wonder how other trainings are like the dauntless they do fighting and stuff like that but what does Amity do.

I think that Tris is really confident about herself. In the book one of the characters tells her that she wont make it and she would end up faction less and in her head she tells herself that she is going to show everybody that it doesn't matter what faction you come from. In the beginning she says i wont make it, but she then starts to believe a little and says ill make it ill make it I'm going to show everybody wrong.