Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hollow city Part 2

When the Peculiars reach the island they notice that they mostly lost all the things that they had. So now they have nothing but a book and a map. They then also spot their is big air balloons close to the floor and they dont know whywould it be so close to the floor. It then comes to their head that it is searching for them. They run into a cave so they wont get caught by the wights and stay in the cave. Remember how I said that they still had a book. Well that book has stories about peculiars and their adventures and every night browyn reads a story for the little girls. That night she doesn't read them a story but she tells the girls their story about their adventure.

Jacob has changed so much from the beginning of miss peregring to Hollow city. He has becomen more responsible, stronger, and more of a leader.  I know this because in the beginning of miss peregrine he was like any other teen. But through the book he shows how. Responsible he is and becomes. Also, Jacob has to show that he can stay strong and be a leader to the peculiars in this book and he is doing exactly tha. He doesn't complain he just does things and that shows how a true leader should act.

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